Contax 645Film Camera

Contax 645

  • Camera Type for Contax 645


  • Film Type for Contax 645


  • Manufacturer of Contax 645


  • Origin Country of Contax 645


Size & Weight

  • Camera Size for Contax 645143 x 128 x 182 mm
  • Camera Weight for Contax 6451390g
  • Camera Build Material for Contax 645Metal


  • Camera Focus Mode for Contax 645Autofocus
  • Camera Focus Type for Contax 645Autofocus


  • Camera Shutter Speed Range for Contax 64516s – 1/4000s
  • Camera ISO Speed Range for Contax 6456 ISO – 6400 ISO
  • Camera Exposure Modes for Contax 645Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual
  • Camera Exposure Meter for Contax 645Center-weighted
  • Camera Viewfinder for Contax 645Pentaprism, interchangeable

Lens & Accessories

  • Camera Lens Type for Contax 645Interchangeable Lens
  • Camera Lens Mount for Contax 645Contax 645 mount
  • Common Camera Lenses for Contax 645Contax 645 80mm f/2 is a common lens for the Contax 645 Contax 645 80mm f/2Contax 645 45mm f/2.8 is a common lens for the Contax 645 Contax 645 45mm f/2.8Contax 645 140mm f/2.8 is a common lens for the Contax 645 Contax 645 140mm f/2.8
  • Camera Flash for Contax 645Contax 645 Flash No Built-In Flash
  • Camera Common Accessories for Contax 645Contax 645 auto bellows is a common accessory for the Contax 645 Contax 645 auto bellowsContax 645 polaroid back is a common accessory for the Contax 645 Contax 645 polaroid backContax 645 AE prism finder is a common accessory for the Contax 645 Contax 645 AE prism finder


  • Camera Battery Type for Contax 6452CR5
  • Battery Life for Contax 645Approximately 100 rolls of film
  • Battery Replaceable for Contax 645Replaceable


Use Cases

  • Camera Use Cases for Contax 645
    Portrait photography
    Wedding photography
    Studio photography

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Description for Contax 645 Description for Contax 645

The Contax 645 is a medium format film camera that was introduced by Contax in 1999. It is a popular choice among professional photographers for its exceptional image quality and versatile features. The camera features a modular design, allowing photographers to interchange different components such as the film back, viewfinder, and lenses. It has a 6x4.5cm film format, which offers a larger negative size compared to 35mm film cameras, resulting in sharper and more detailed images. The Contax 645 also boasts a reliable autofocus system, making it suitable for both studio and on-location shoots. With its ergonomic design and intuitive controls, it is a pleasure to use for extended periods of time. Overall, the Contax 645 is a reliable and high-performing camera that is favored by professionals in the fashion, portrait, and wedding photography industries.

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Some notable features of the Contax 645 include a built-in motor drive for automatic film advance, a top shutter speed of 1/4000s, and compatibility with a wide range of Carl Zeiss lenses. The camera also offers various exposure modes including aperture priority, shutter priority, program, and manual. It has a bright and clear viewfinder with a 98% coverage, allowing photographers to accurately compose their shots. The Contax 645 is powered by a single 2CR5 battery, which provides sufficient power for extended shooting sessions. It is worth noting that the Contax 645 is a highly sought-after camera and is often considered a collector's item.

Example Photos for Contax 645 Example Photos for Contax 645

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Description for Contax 645 Pros and Cons for Contax 645

Medium format camera with a large negative size (6x4.5cm), resulting in high image quality and detail.

Autofocus system for quick and accurate focusing.

Interchangeable lenses for versatility and creative control.

Built-in light meter for easy exposure control.

Robust build quality for durability and reliability.

Expensive compared to other medium format cameras.

Bulky and heavy, making it less portable for travel.

Limited availability and high demand, making it harder to find and potentially more expensive in the used market.

Video Reviews for Contax 645 How to Use the Camera Contax 645

Video Reviews for Contax 645 How to Load Film Contax 645

Description for Contax 645 Potential Problems and Fixes for Contax 645

Broken Gear

The Contax 645 is known for broken gears in the film advance mechanism. If the camera has not been used for a long time, the gears may break when you try to advance the film. It's recommended to regularly use the camera to keep the gears in good condition.

Electrical Issues

This camera has been reported to have electrical issues, particularly with the battery drain. Always carry spare batteries and consider getting the camera serviced if you notice rapid battery drain.

Autofocus Problems

Some users have reported issues with the autofocus system of the Contax 645. If you notice that the camera is not focusing correctly, it may need to be serviced. Manual focus can be used as a workaround.

Description for Contax 645 Frequently Asked Questions for Contax 645

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